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Frequently Asked Questions

Got a burning question about the Horses for Health Event? Here are some questions and answers hopefully covering everything you need to know about the event. If we don't cover it below then please feel free to contact us using the Contact page.

Q How much does it cost to register?

A Nothing! The Horses4Health Hack and Chat challenge is free to enter


Q How does Horses4Health raise money for the supported charities?

A We ask participants to try and raise money either through sponsorship for their own challenge (such as riding a certain distance), by organising an event (this could be a ride, cake sale, yard event, anything you like), by paying to take part in a Horses4Health organised event, or b y giving up your time such as a sponsored tack clean or poo picking where you charge people and donate the money to Horses4Health


Q How do I register to take part?

A Click here to go to the registration page. Once you've registered you will receive an information pack o help you get started and give you all the fundraising tools you need.


Q When does the Hack and Chat challenge happen?

A The challenge runs through the summer into autumn but there are no fixed dates and you can join at any time.


Q Do you have any organised rides this year?

A Horses4Health is run by volunteers and we rely on volunteers around the country to put on rides and events. We will list any organised rides and events on the What's On page but feel free to organise something and let us know. We will provide you will all the information you need to get something organised!


Q What charities does Horses4Health raise money for?

A Horses4Health provides grants to small charities who apply through either our Equine Welfare Grants Scheme or our new grants scheme for Equine Assisted Services. In 2022 we provided grants for 17 equine welfare charities and 33 Riding for the Disabled centres for their Tea with a Pony initiative. More information can be found on the charities page.


Q I work for a charity, how do I apply for a Horses4Health grant?

A Go to either our Equine Welfare grants page or Equine Assisted Services grants page to download the information and application form.


Q I work with someone who would benefit from Equine Assisted Services. Can you help?

A Horses4Health doesn't provide Equine Assisted Services but instead gives grants to EAS providers. If you would like to find a provider in your area, have a look at the HETI website who hold the Human Equine Interaction Register (HEIR). Providers listed on the HEIR have to meet certain strict criteria in order to be part of the register.

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